Sharon Angus Tech Services
Sharon's Logo
Her requirements were that it incorporate the two flags of her heritage (Thunderchild First Nation and the Iroquois Confederacy/Hiawatha Belt), and the nature of her services. The center of the completed design features the Thunderchild First Nation flag [heiroglyph man], stylized to look like a wi-fi icon, while also emphasizing the "person" at the core of the business. The rectangles and purple/white color scheme were inspired by the Iroquois Confederacy/Hiawatha Belt flag. Elements from each flag are visible separately but also create one cohesive logo, much like the two cultures that form the individual in Sharon.
Sharon's Social Media
As most of Sharon's clients come from social media and word of mouth, I made attention-grabbing visuals for her to intersperse with her regular, self-promotional text posts.
Sharon's Demo Reel
Sharon approached me with a commission for a logo that could tell her story. Additionally, I made this 30 second ad spot to assist in the task. From concept to publish, the video was produced in one day. Assets made in Adobe Illustrator and composited in Adobe After Effects.